How To Register An Epic Account After Already Registering A Default One
If y'all plan on launching your game on consoles with Ballsy Account Services integration before October 2022, please contact united states at to coordinate a release programme.
Epic Business relationship Services (EAS) is a stand up-lonely offering of Ballsy Online Services (EOS). It is a separate family of Epic Account-specific services in addition to the identity provider-agnostic set of EOS services. Epic Online Services does not require using Ballsy Account Services, but you can ever enable EAS as one of your EOS identity providers and use the Auth Interface. For more than information nigh using identity provider-doubter services, see the Connect Interface.
Earlier you lot can brainstorm setting up an Ballsy Account Services account and application, be sure that you fulfill these prerequisites:
Signup for the Developer Portal and enable multi-cistron authentication on the account.
Create your own organization or join an existing one. You lot demand an Epic Account or an Admin role to go on.
Create or pick a product to use Epic Account Services.
Download the latest version of EOS SDK. Check the EOS Quick Offset guide for more details.
ane. Accessing Epic Business relationship Services in the Programmer Portal
Y'all can detect Epic Business relationship Services from the Developer Portal along the navigation panel or the dwelling house page for a product.
To proceed to the EAS dashboard, you must review and have a Service Annex for Epic Account Services. You can ever review all accepted agreements under the Licenses tab of the Organisation section in the Developer Portal.
Yous should too review the Epic Games Privacy Policy to sympathize how Ballsy Games collects, uses, and shares user data.
Depending on your organization type, you may only need to take each license agreement one time (as a Company entity). However, Individual entities require each member with access to the EAS dashboard to take the agreement.
With standard EOS services, you license Epic Games every bit a service provider to process the data of your users on your behalf. But with EAS, Epic Games manages the user data and authentication flows to expose this data and functionality on your users' behalf, with their consent. From your end, you concord to use the data for permitted uses only, as defined in the Service Addendum for Epic Account Services.
2. Setting Up an EAS Application
From the Epic Account Services dashboard, you can proceed creating your first awarding. The Developer Portal volition testify a placeholder for a future application, but none of the configuration details.
Click to enlarge image.
Application configuration consists of three major sections:
Brand Settings: Proper name, logo, privacy policy URL, and support URL.
Permissions: The access permissions that the awarding asks users for.
Linked Clients: Clan of the application with client credentials used past the SDK during the authentication flow.
Click Configure to proceed with each of these.
Application Make Settings
The offset section for configuring your application is Application Brand Settings.
Click to enlarge image.
On the left you tin can encounter a preview of the consent dialog that will be shown to Epic users requesting their permission to share data with that awarding. The preview is available in a mobile and a web version.
Initially, a red warning banner will announced at the top of the preview for the consent dialog. This warning indicates that the application brand settings have not been reviewed against potential toxicity or an attempt to spoof the brand. Additionally, the consent dialog for an unverified application is prefaced with another alert dialog. The purpose of the double warning is to fully ensure that the user understands all the implications of proceeding with an unverified application.
All applications are created unverified, and with audience restrictions in identify. Only members of the aforementioned development organisation will be able to use their Epic Games accounts to authenticate against this unverified application. All other users will see an audience restriction error bulletin. The purpose of these audience restrictions is to protect Epic users while assuasive developers to iterate on integration while they set the awarding for the brand review.
To remove these restrictions, the details in the fields on the correct must be filled out and submitted for Application Brand Review. These include:
Application Name: A friendly name for your application that will display to users. This is ready to the product proper noun by default.
Privacy Policy URL: A URL where users can detect your application'south privacy policy.
Awarding Logo: A 128 x 128 opaque PNG or JPG that volition represent your application on the consent dialog.
As you update these fields, the preview volition immediately update to reverberate your changes.
Click to enlarge image.
Once application is created and brand settings are saved, go to the next tab.
Awarding Permissions
The Permissions tab is where you define the level of admission the awarding will request from the user.
Click to enlarge epitome.
Epic Account Services ships with back up for 3 basic permissions:
Basic Profile: Allows read access to user display name, linguistic communication preferences and linked account brandish names.
Online Presence: Allows the awarding to set the online presence of the electric current user and receive online presence updates from their friends.
Friends: Allows read access to the friends listing for the current user's account.
Basic Profile is e'er required for Epic Account Services and tin non be deactivated as you lot cannot become access to any user data without it. Online Presence and Friends may be enabled or disabled per the needs of your application. Toggle on the permissions you want to enable for your awarding, then click Save to save your changes. The consent dialog preview will update to reverberate the permissions you add or remove.
Click to enlarge image.
Application Clients
Finally, the Clients tab enables you to configure a listing of clients associated with this awarding. A customer is any piece of software or website that can access the awarding'south data within the Ballsy Account Services backend. All clients associated with an application are listed in its Product Settings, and all of them share the user's consent once information technology is given.
Click to overstate prototype.
If you already have clients set up up for your application, you can select them from the Select Clients dropdown. Otherwise, click Create New Client to open up your Product Settings folio and configure a new client. For more than information, refer to the Client Credentials folio for more than information on adding new clients.
Once you have added a client to this listing, click the Salvage button to save your changes.
Click to enlarge prototype.
At this point you accept completed the EAS Application Configuration. From here you are ready to integrate EAS into a product and use it to access user information. Following a review of the application brand settings you submitted, audience restrictions will exist lifted, and the application can be made visible to users outside of your arrangement.
Click to enlarge image.
3. Authenticating Epic Games Users with the EOS SDK
Using an Epic Account requires no special setup with the EOS SDK. However, you must utilise a login type advisable for your target platform (see the Auth Interface), and you must recall to include the scopes y'all desire the user to consent to in the login call that you denoted during your brand review application (their profile, presence, and friends list).
For instance, to login via the account portal on a PC, your login call may appear equally follows:
EOS_Auth_Credentials Credentials = { 0 }; Credentials.ApiVersion = EOS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_API_LATEST; Credentials.Type = EOS_LCT_AccountPortal; EOS_Auth_LoginOptions LoginOptions = { 0 }; LoginOptions.ApiVersion = EOS_AUTH_LOGIN_API_LATEST; LoginOptions.ScopeFlags = EOS_AS_BasicProfile | EOS_AS_FriendsList | EOS_AS_Presence; LoginOptions.Credentials = &Credentials; EOS_Auth_Login(AuthHandle, &LoginOptions, NULL, OnLoginCallback);
This opens a default organization spider web browser that prompts the user to login and review the access application requests.
4. Authenticating Ballsy Games Users on a Spider web Site
To authenticate your users on websites and spider web applications, we support the authority code menstruum for OpenID Connect Core 1.0. But earlier you begin, y'all must configure an brand review application and client credentials.
To initiate the authentication flow, your application must redirect the user to the authorization page where they will login to their Epic Games business relationship.
Redirect your users to this say-so URL:{client_id}&response_type=code&scope=basic_profile&redirect_uri=
To request boosted permissions, alter the telescopic parameter in the say-so request with a space-delimited list of the required permissions. For case, scope=basic_profile friends_list
You and so need to configure the redirect URL for the Client in your Developer Portal.
When a user logs in, they are asked to approve the requested permissions. After accepting, they are redirected dorsum to your awarding with a code
parameter. This code is used when requesting an access token.
Epic Games too supports an optional state
parameter that yous can utilise to maintain state betwixt the request and the callback. This can prevent cross-site asking forgery attacks.
The post-obit is an example redirect URL after a user is authenticated:
https://world wide
Requesting an Access Token
To request an access token, the customer makes a request to the token endpoint, including the client credentials and say-so code. The Epic Games token endpoint is
The client credentials laissez passer in the Authorization
header using basic authorization.
In the request, you also need to specify the authorization_code
grant type and include the lawmaking and redirect URL from the authorization flow.
The post-obit snippet shows a sample request (using password grant type):
Mail /epic/oauth/v1/token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Blazon: application/10-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==
grant_type=authorization_code& deployment_id=foo& scope=basic_profile& lawmaking=cfd1de1a8d224203b0445fe977838d81& redirect_uri=https://world wide
The response contains the following fields:
Response | Clarification |
| The access token, which may optionally accept a prefix (for example: |
| The number of seconds until the token expires. |
| The expiration engagement in ISO 8601 format. |
| The Epic Account ID for the user that the token was generated for. |
| The Customer ID which was used to generate this token. |
| The Application ID which the Customer is associated with. |
| The type of token generated, value volition ever be bearer. |
| The refresh token will optionally be returned depending on the customer configuration. This refresh token can be used to extend a session before or after the access token has expired. |
| The number of seconds until the refresh token expires. |
| The refresh token expiration date in ISO 8601 format. |
The following snippet shows a sample response:
{ "scope": "basic_profile", "token_type": "bearer", "access_token": "eyJ0IjoiZXBpY19pZCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoibldVQzlxSFVldWRHcnBXb3FvVXVHZkFIYmVWM2NsRnlsdFRYMzhFbXJKSSJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4eXphNzg5MWxoeE1WWUdDT043TGduS1paOEhRR0Q1SCIsInN1YiI6Ijk2MjZmNDQxMDU1MzQ5Y2U4Y2I3ZDdkNWE0ODNlYWEyIiwidCI6ImVwaWNfaWQiLCJzY29wZSI6ImJhc2ljX3Byb2ZpbGUgZnJpZW5kc19saXN0IHByZXNlbmNlIiwiYXBwaWQiOiJmZ2hpNDU2N08wM0hST3hFandibjdrZ1hwQmhuaFd3diIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9hcGkuZXBpY2dhbWVzLmRldlwvZXBpY1wvb2F1dGhcL3YxIiwiZG4iOiJLcm5icnkiLCJleHAiOjE1ODgyODYwODMsImlhdCI6MTU4ODI3ODg4Mywibm9uY2UiOiJuLUI1cGNsSXZaSkJaQU1KTDVsNkdvUnJDTzNiRT0iLCJqdGkiOiI2NGMzMGQwMjk4YTM0MzdjOGE3NGU1OTAxYzM0ODZiNSJ9.MZRoCRpjIb--dD7hxoo2GvjSPhUSNpOq1FhtShTBmzMJ1qlHFPzNaUiAEETAc3mabGPKyOxUP6Q1FBadr_P_UtbtB7kf34hN2VTv5czW6WOx1HdpjwUQZuxFyDc_aix7FCS0Egu4rZlC65b-B0FUVlial_s_FrH8ou5L_d-4I0KVpIwtv-b_M6EQ9jtLdQRfMaP6aV0rIerrbqFZ617Pe7XT4IO9jZFwM8F5aDTeDHkkOO41wyVibrm38799lP4B65RIv9CwbAL-TVmV1L5gFYITaZhi5ShfZzTvxAk-3Dxwp8c5JvcO68zpbya5gFSAfhsd7vt9YLU0gQR2uXq3Vw", "refresh_token": "eyJ0IjoiZXBpY19pZCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoibldVQzlxSFVldWRHcnBXb3FvVXVHZkFIYmVWM2NsRnlsdFRYMzhFbXJKSSJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4eXphNzg5MWxoeE1WWUdDT043TGduS1paOEhRR0Q1SCIsInN1YiI6Ijk2MjZmNDQxMDU1MzQ5Y2U4Y2I3ZDdkNWE0ODNlYWEyIiwidCI6ImVwaWNfaWQiLCJhcHBpZCI6ImZnaGk0NTY3TzAzSFJPeEVqd2JuN2tnWHBCaG5oV3d2Iiwic2NvcGUiOiJiYXNpY19wcm9maWxlIGZyaWVuZHNfbGlzdCBwcmVzZW5jZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9hcGkuZXBpY2dhbWVzLmRldlwvZXBpY1wvb2F1dGhcL3YxIiwiZG4iOiJLcm5icnkiLCJleHAiOjE1ODgzMDc2ODMsImlhdCI6MTU4ODI3ODg4MywianRpIjoiYzczYjA2NmUyZDU4NGVkNTk0NjZiOThiNzI3NzJiMjAifQ.O-eVa46NimubKwxe9SwlHxciivu0XWe1-DSL74mMiA_PpPoW0yKL9DfmsLxiPCwsRB5_hQTc6_FM7G1FyfKtX_VVAp90MZPkhCbAbfKmTpQVcL0Ya6kve4KMG8KxeLVfLLhubCbJTYlnDNVHobbpvpQtHd8Ys321ZNDJj05l_tnZzdgus-xmCO6orX4UP4wDd1jAOXXeqRT47OXuLCgSE0q6Osfh-ENPwh6ph1i7ld759xPV0oNcQb8XiPxnT6_FUmFugzG1YS1z9bTnVWmbP2RmYluue5VQm5EKGJZ91Alve8s2eNEtDfUqaBLZ45pqGkc1KjbYTtP0a_1ue2BpkQ", "expires_in": 7200, "expires_at": "2020-04-30T22:34:43.549Z", "refresh_expires_in": 28800, "refresh_expires_at": "2020-05-01T04:34:43.549Z", "account_id": "9626f441055349ce8cb7d7d5a483eaa2", "client_id": "xyza7891lhxMVYGCON7LgnKZZ8HQGD5H", "application_id": "fghi4567O03HROxEjwbn7kgXpBhnhWwv" }
You should always laissez passer the access token as it is in the Authorization header to Epic Games services. For instance: Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJ0RkM...
Proper noun | URL |
OpenID Configuration | |
Authorization | https://world wide |
Token | |
User Info | |
Token Info | |
JWKs | |
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How To Register An Epic Account After Already Registering A Default One,
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